Northern Volunteering (SA) Inc


Northern Volunteering (SA) Inc


Welcome to our training.

We deliver a wide range of training – please browse our training manuals and training calendar.

At Northern Volunteering (SA) we have a reputation for providing training that is:

  • Innovative
  • Flexible
  • Relevant
  • Interesting

Why not find out more? Contact us for more details.

Lots of training opportunities for volunteers and volunteer managers in northern Adelaide. Some free, some fee for service.

Check them out!

Download a list of our current training packages


First Aid Training

Northern Volunteering this year have partnered with Karen Weeks from Vital Training to deliver First Aid courses for our local community.  Courses on offer this year are..

HLTAID009 – Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

HLTAID010 – Provide Basic Emergency Life Support

HLTAID011 – Provide First Aid

HLTAID012 – Provide First Aid in an Education and Care setting

Vital Training partners with Allen’s Training RTO 90909 so all certificates issued are nationally recognised.

To book in a course here at Northern Volunteering or for more information contact Karen on 0481 561 606 or email

For more information visit:

vital training

Child Safe Environment Training

The through their eyes training provides an effective way to educate, inform and support mandated notifiers to recognise and respond to suspected child abuse or neglect. The program supports the participant to better understand the concept of child-safe environments, the legal responsibility of notification and the principles around reporting to the Child Abuse Report Line. This training is available for anyone working or volunteering with children or young people.

Download the flyer here.

Pathways to Employment

These workshops introduce volunteering as a pathway to employment and prepares participants to take up their volunteering role.

Download the flyer here.

What people say about our training…

‘I have attended lots of training but yours was the best. I loved the way the trainers were relaxed and enjoyed banter but still got on with the job.’

‘Your method of training is a breath of fresh air.’

About Our Trainers

NVSA has a great team of trainers!

We aim to be innovative, creative and relevant in our courses. To stretch your thinking and get you wanting more.

Currently our team consists of:


Donatella Amos

Grad Voc Cert Man, Adv Dip CS,
NVSA Executive Officer
Certificate 1→ Advanced Diploma/Child Safe Environs

Donatella is the Executive Officer at Northern Volunteering. She has over 20 years experience managing volunteer programs including Director of services at a large hospital involving over 500 hospital and community based volunteers and Training and Development Manager at NVSA before becoming the Executive Officer.

Donatella has a good understanding of volunteerism locally, nationally and internationally. She is held in high regard within the volunteer sector and has been on the board of AAMoV (as AAVA) – the national professional association for volunteer managers, as well as several other Boards including community centres.

Donatella was included in the inaugural SA Honour Roll, in the 2009 – 2014 Who’s Who of Australian Women, nominated for City of Salisbury’s 2017 Legends Awards, and received a Certificate of Recognition from AAVA for her work in the sector.

She holds qualifications in Community Sector Management, Training and Assessment, as well as volunteer program management including a Vocational Graduate Certificate of Management (Learning). She is also a Department for Child Protection endorsed Child Safe Environment facilitator.


Karen Weeks

Vital Training Aquatic and First Aid Training

Karen comes to us with a wealth of First Aid knowledge being a former St John Ambulance volunteer she has had her fair share of real life experience. Karen’s a foster mum to 2 aboriginal boys so has a good understanding of trauma, anxiety and mental health and is keen to empower everyone to complete a First Aid Course.


Alex Coates

Alex (he/him) has over 20 years’ experience in volunteer management and 18 years’ experience in public administration. Alex has experience training groups from ages 7 to 90 years from all backgrounds including volunteers and paid staff. Alex enjoys training and developing people while personally volunteering with a number of organisations including Lions Clubs International.

Alex is an LGBTIQAP+ rights and mental health advocate, a human rights consultant and advocate against human trafficking. He is the inaugural District Diversity and Inclusion Support Officer and Advocate in Lions in Australia and New Zealand. Further community involvement comes through being Chairperson of the Northern Area Community and Youth Services Board, Treasurer of the Australian Local Government Women’s Association (SA Branch) Board, President of Salisbury Lions, Lions District Membership Team Co-ordinator, Board Director of Australian Wide Heart Care Pty Ltd and a former Deputy Mayor and Councillor with the City of Salisbury.

Alex has been awarded a Melvin Jones Humanitarian Fellowship, is Life Member of the Burton Community Centre and a Member of the Order of St John. He holds qualifications in Training, Leadership, Management, International Studies, Mental Health First Aid and Business Administration. For leisure Alex enjoys spending time with family and friends, travel, photography and music.

I Want to Volunteer

Looking to make a difference in your community? Search here for volunteer roles:

CPR training
first aid training
A senior woman stands with a senior man and points at a tablet
A group of people sit around a table with laptops while a woman stands a speaks to the group
A team of people sits around a table looking at papers
A team of people sits around a table looking at papers
A team of people sits around a table looking at papers
A team of people sits around a table looking at papers

Contact Us

Opening hours: Monday - Friday 9.30am - 3.30pm

NVSA is located at 58 John St, Salisbury South Australia, just a stone’s throw from the railway station and bus interchange.

If you are attending training or forums, free all day parking is only available in nearby streets.

Phone us on  (08) 8250 1582


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