Northern Volunteering (SA) Inc

Northern Volunteering (SA) Inc. is a regional Volunteer Resource Centre and Training facility operating in Northern Adelaide. We have a small and highly dedicated team of staff and volunteers.

I Want to Volunteer

Looking to make a difference in your community? Click here to search for volunteer roles:

Youth Volunteering

Download our Youth Into Volunteering Toolkit.

Become a ACVVS Volunteer

The ACVVS is a free service that aims to improve quality of life for aged care residential or home care recipients who are experiencing loneliness or social isolation.


Explore a range of resources for volunteers and volunteer involving organisations.

News & Events

Palliative Care Volunteering SA

Palliative Care Volunteering SA

THE PALLIATIVE CARE VOLUNTEERING SA PROJECT is here to champion palliative care volunteering across the state. The project is funded by SA Health as part of the Palliative Care Connect Program. Palliative Care Volunteering SA is administered by Palliative Care SA in...

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Pathway to Employment

Pathway to Employment

This workshop introduces volunteering as a pathway to employment and prepares participants to take up their volunteering role. Click here to download the flyer.

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Volunteerability Toolkit Launch

Northern Volunteering along with its partners Southern Volunteering and Orana were proud to launch our online Volunteerability Toolkit today The FREE toolkit has been co-designed by people with disability to improve volunteering opportunities that are inclusive,...

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Volunteer Manager Network Meetings To Merge

Volunteer Manager Network Meetings To Merge

Northern Volunteering SA, Volunteering SA&NT and Southern Volunteering (SA) are excited to announce the merging of their central, southern and northern Volunteer Manager Network meetings into one State Volunteer Manager’s Network meeting. We are working together...

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Training Packages

Training Packages

Northern Volunteering staff and trainers are industry experts in all areas of Volunteer Management and the not-for-profit sector and pride ourselves in having delivered professional and practical training for over 20 years. Our flexible, interactive and customised...

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Mosaic Tales - Connecting in the CALD Community


Mosaic Tales – Connecting in the CALD Community
By Sherina Winton

Connecting in the CALD Community is a project funded podcast by Northern Volunteering. This time focusing on mature aged migrants 50 years and over. The participants were able to relate their stories in a safe space to talk about their culture, connection, tackling ageism and volunteering. These stories are shared in the aim to breakdown barriers of culture and combat loneliness. On behalf of Northern Volunteering, we hope that you enjoy!

Contact Us

Opening hours: Monday - Friday 9.30am - 3.30pm

NVSA is located at 58 John St, Salisbury South Australia, just a stone’s throw from the railway station and bus interchange.

If you are attending training or forums, free all day parking is only available in nearby streets.

Phone us on  (08) 8250 1582


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