Northern Volunteering (SA) Inc

Volunteer Managers

Northern Volunteering (SA) Inc

Volunteer Managers

I Want to Volunteer

Looking to make a difference in your community? Search here for volunteer roles:

Two women sit at a table looking at a tablet
Two women sit at a table looking at a tablet
A volunteer uses string to stake a newly planted tree

We believe volunteer program managers provide a critical role in the ongoing development and sustainability of volunteer programs.

It doesn’t matter if you are paid or unpaid, program management is a critical role and should not be neglected.

Develop your skills, knowledge and networks. There are lots of resources online, through NVSA or organisations similar. Make use of them and help both yourself and the volunteers out by being the best manager you can be.

Check out our training on the site!

Download our current training packages


Manager Training

At NVSA we are always striving for improvement is all of our training courses.

We have just released our latest list of training courses – see attached flyer

Online training is becoming more popular as it allows you to complete your training in a time frame compatible with both your professional life and your personal life, at the present time we are offering ” The Essentials of Managing Volunteers” as an online package BUT please keep checking this page for updates of training packages that are available online.


State Volunteer Managers Network Meetings

Volunteer Managers and Coordinators, whether paid or unpaid, are invited to attend State Volunteer Managers Network meetings held quarterly throughout the year.

These meetings provide a valuable opportunity for Managers and Coordinators to network with their peers, share best practice and discuss relevant issues related to volunteers and volunteering.

A component of the meetings consists of professional development for Volunteer Managers and Coordinators as well as general information.

There is no charge to attend these meetings. All meetings are held online using the Zoom platform.

2024 network meeting dates are:

Thursday 21 March, online, hosted by Southern Volunteering

Wednesday 5 June, online, hosted by Northern Volunteering

Thursday 12 September, online, hosted by Volunteering SA&NT

Wednesday 4 December, blended session online and in person with venue to be confirmed

Contact Us

Opening hours: Monday - Friday 9.30am - 3.30pm

NVSA is located at 58 John St, Salisbury South Australia, just a stone’s throw from the railway station and bus interchange.

If you are attending training or forums, free all day parking is only available in nearby streets.

Phone us on  (08) 8250 1582


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