Northern Volunteering (SA) Inc


Northern Volunteering (SA) Inc


Volunteering is an incredibly rewarding activity.

On our site you will be able to:

  • search for volunteer opportunities – in the greater northern Adelaide area
  • understand your rights and responsibilities as a volunteer
  • understand the organisations rights and responsibilities
  • look at pathways resulting from volunteering
  • see the variety of volunteer training available

Volunteering can change your life!


Before You Start

Before you start volunteer work there are some things it might be helpful to be aware of:

  • There are LOTS of different volunteer opportunities
  • As a volunteer you will have both rights and responsibilities. The organisation will also! Make sure you are clear about these;
  • Undertake an induction as part of your role. This may vary from online to a hard copy or verbal. It may take 1/2 hour or several days depending upon the organisation. This should prepare you for volunteer work
  • Many (but not all) organisations require a police check and referee check before you start
  • Many (but not all) organisations require volunteers to be up to date with COVID 19 vaccinations and influenza vaccinations
  • Most organisations will have some red tape. Please be patient. This is in place to ensure the organisation completes their duty of care
  • Last, but definitely not least, Enjoy yourself!


Bridge to Volunteering – Introduction to Volunteering session

If you have never volunteered before  or don’t feel confident in your next step,  NVSA has a program called ‘Bridge to Volunteering’. This program is ideally suited for someone who wants to ease into volunteering, if you are not feeling comfortable volunteering, or want a little extra assistance in some way.

You will be matched up with a mentor; join a small class of maximum 10 people taken by one of our quality facilitators; and start volunteering in an organisation and position of your choice.

Bridge to Volunteering starts at different times of the year.  Inquire for more details.

Book An Interview

If you are interested in volunteering there are two ways we can assist.

  1. If you know what you want to do, then complete a web based application
  2. If you are unsure, and would like to explore organisations and roles, you can speak with one of our Referral Officers. A short 20-30 minute interview will assist you in exploring a range of options you may not have considered.

We have Referral Officers on site in Salisbury as well as across various outreach venues. Our Team will be able to book you in to see a Referral Officer at your nearest location.

Call our office on 8250 1582 to make an appointment.

Volunteer Training

NVSA provides a wide range of training opportunities for volunteers.

Download a list of our training packages here.


Volunteer Pathways

Volunteering can lead onto a wide number of different paths, for example:

  • Increase your skills: do something you have been interested in but have never had the chance to do.
  • Paid employment: while volunteering will not guarantee you a job, it is a great way to showcase yourself to potential employers. It is not unusual for volunteers to be employed where they are volunteering.
  • Training: volunteers will usually undergo training for their roles.
  • Develop job ready skills.
  • Put it in your CV: many employers want to know applicants have an interest in the community. Volunteering says the applicant is someone who wants to help others. Many employers regard this as an important attribute.
  • Accredited training: actively volunteering allows you to participate in the accredited Active Volunteering Certificate courses. These are great courses providing a good foundation for a wide variety of other accredited training e.g. in children’s services, aged care, hospitality and so on.

I Want to Volunteer

Looking to make a difference in your community? Search here for volunteer roles:

A young woman pins on a badge that reads 'volunteer'
A senior man smiles at a younger man in a baseball cap
A senior man smiles at a younger man in a baseball cap
volunteers at prospect
A senior man smiles at a younger man in a baseball cap

Contact Us

Opening hours: Monday - Friday 9.30am - 3.30pm

NVSA is located at 58 John St, Salisbury South Australia, just a stone’s throw from the railway station and bus interchange.

If you are attending training or forums, free all day parking is only available in nearby streets.

Phone us on  (08) 8250 1582


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